AFA (antifa) Malmö: Organized Nazi attacked demonstrators
Posted by b9AcE in antifa, Refugees, Translations on 2017-06-15
Since about a month back there has been a demo in Jägersro in Malmö for Iraqi right to asylum in Sweden. The demonstration has been attacked by right-wing extremists several times, that among other things have sicced dogs on the demonstrators and punctured car tires. Night to Monday the demonstration was attacked by a Nazi active within the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR).
During the night between Sunday and Monday the demonstrators in Jägersro, which hold a demonstration outside the Migration Agency, were attacked by a car driver that intentionally tried to run over the demonstration participants and destroy their signs and banners. After having hit a wooden pole that functioned as a flagpole the car driver started skidding and drove into a tree. The demonstrators have described how the driver remained sitting in the car a long time, knife armed, and later stepped out and attacked them with pepper spray. The man eventually was detained on the scene by the police which arrived later. The car, which was adorned with a Nazi eagle and a swastika, was towed away.
It soon turned out that it was a from earlier known, active Nazi, which during periods has had as a habit to perform similar crazy acts in the area around Malmö – a person that has been identified as Alex Jönsson (950122-9471). The history of Alex actually begins several months before the violent attack against the asylum rights demonstrators.
The swastika car in Rosengård
Early in the month of February several media in Malmö reported how a car was seen driving through and around Rosengård. The attention this got was due to that the tailgate of the car was covered by a big swastika-banner. A sticker from the rugby team Pingvin Rugby Club was documented to be on the car at the time, which made the Trelleborg based team distance themselves and in media clarify that they distance themselves from Nazism and racism:
”Rugby is open to everyone and shall always be so. We have absolutely nothing to do with these insane things”
Spectators described to media how they were shocked to see the car – with a smiling driver – drove past them on the way out of Rosengård. The case with the swastika-car on the Amiralsgatan street however remained unsolved for yet some months, until one day in April when the car was seen once again in Malmö – this time in the Möllevången neighborhood and without swastika banner.
The Nazi at Möllan
[short form of the neighborhood Möllevången]
Late on the Saturday April 22 a lone individual was seen walking on the Kristanstadsgatan street in central Malmö, one of several streets in the area that end near the Möllevång square. He was reported to be dressed in an unbuttoned jacket and under this was seen a shirt with a print from NMR – one of the most violent Nazi groups in Sweden. He had just posted a couple of Nazi stickers along the street when he was discovered, in the middle of his short walk along the People’s Square. The anti-fascists that were informed about his presence immediately located the man in question to confront him, but before they caught up with him he had returned to his car and disappeared.
He did however not immediately leave the Möllevången neighborhood, rather shortly returned in his car, with which he tried to tried to run over the people that then were at the Kristianstadsgatan street. The car had shortly earlier been identified as belonging to a middle aged woman living outside Trelleborg. Later, during the next week, there was a struggle-report published at Nordfront (NMR’s home page and news portal) about the evening in question, where the events were described as ”propaganda distribution”.
After the insane drive at Möllevången the pieces of the puzzle quickly fell into place, and it soon turned out that it wasn’t the first time that the car’s driver had been roaming in Malmö with malevolent intentions. The car turned out to be the same dark gray Jeep Grand Cherokee that in February had been driving through Rosengård with a swastika-banner over the tailgate – and the person that drove was identified as Alex Jönsson, a 22 year old truck driver from Klagstorp.
Far-reaching Nazi engagement
Alex Jönsson is 22 years old and resides at the the family house in Klagstorp outside Trelleborg, together with his parents. He has in his youth played rugby in the team Pingvin Rugby Club, with whom he in his teens travelled to among other places London to play rugby. He is called Dino by his friends – a name he uses extensively on the Internet, for examples in comments sections of Nordfront and on the anti-Semitic Facebook-copy Oopih. His route into the Nazi organization NMR was supported by Tobias Malvå – with whom he often socializes and posts stickers – and he has figured on NMR’s home page in connection to struggle-reports about propaganda distribution and study circles.

Photo uploaded to Nordfront by NMR. Alex visible in the middle of the picture (encircled), in green long-sleeved sweater, sitting next to Kenneth Malmqvist (second from the left in picture).
Alex has been seen at several arrangements orchestrated by NMR, such as the action that was performed during the People’s Demonstration in Trelleborg March 4 2017, when activists from NMR dropped a banner, from the parking garage above the manifestation, with the text ”National Socialist zone”. Alex was then on the roof and held the banner together with other NMR activists, like Danny Jönsson and Kenneth Malmqvist.
Alex was also identified on location in Falun, in NMR’s May Day-march 2017. He had then taken his mothers dark gray Jeep up to the Dalarna province to participate in the march, within which he socialized among others with Jarl Herlitz.
Alex has in various Nazi contexts been spotted using two different vehicles – both belonging to the family, which has several vehicles registered to it. The Jeep that he has used on several occasions is registered to the mother, whilst the swastika-adorned Volvo that was used during the latest violent attack in Jägersro is his own, bought during the spring.
XEK 729 – Jeep Grand Cherokee, dark gray
NGM 167 – Volvo 944-811, gray
Violent and unstable personality
Alex Jönsson is a documented erratic individual, which on several occasions has made himself guilty of potentially lethal attacks on people of opposing opinions and – according to him – undesirables. His propensity to not only resort to threats but also physically assault and try to harm other people was confirmed once again through the attack on the demonstration in Jägersro, when he tried to kill people by running them over with a car.

Screenshot of Alex’ own Facebook-account, from an instance when he stole and burned a so-called Pride-flag.
His violent predisposition and volatile personality is highlighted ideologically by the sides of himself that he has displayed on the Internet, and not the least of all by his well documented Nazi involvement and the fact that he at repeat occurences has tried to run over the demonstrators at Jägersro, destroy their belongings and sought to harm them. Apart from open racism he has previously expressed militant homophobe opinions, through flag burning and participation in Nazi, homophobe contexts.
As of today Alex is formally suspect of several crimes connected to the mentioned attack on the demonstrators in Jägersro – as well as a similar attack the day before the indicated occasion – among others: assault and battery, causing danger to another person, agitation against an ethnic or national group and violating the Knife Act.
Alex Jönsson
Brunsbovägen 234-10
231 98 Klagstorp
Trelleborg municipality
Do you feel hit by our article – or want to avoid our future attention? Then please contact us via e-mail or through our encrypted contact form. Our comrades in Helsingborg have written a good summary of what our stance is towards contact from defectors: Regarding defection from the nationalist movement.
Do you know Alex personally, meet him in daily life, at work or in the village? Then please contact us with tips and information! Do you have other information about Fascists in Scania, or do you want to become active in the struggle against Fascism? Then don’t hesitate contacting us! Mail:
Translated by b9AcE ( and to the best of my ability, from the original text in Swedish. Any errors are to be presumed mine, not antifa’s.
AFA (antifa) Stockholm: Nazis assault peaceful manifestation
Posted by b9AcE in antifa, Stockholm, Sweden, Translations on 2017-05-08
Around 4 p.m. yesterday there was an assault on a manifestation that was held on Mynttorget [translator’s note: a square between the Swedish Parliament and the Royal Palace] in Stockholm in support of unaccompanied youth’s right to asylum. It was about twenty Nazis organized in Nordic Youth [Nordisk Ungdom] (NU) that went to joint attack with smoke bomb, banner and slogans. The Nazis tried to abort an ongoing speech by shouting among other things “Incarcerate – Deport!”, “Out with the rabble” and “Muhammed, Abdullah – Go away!”. The police that arrived to the location made the decision to not turn away the Nazis, but referred them to a place a little bit away at Mynttorget where they could continue to disturb the manifestation.
Yesterday’s attack has certain similarities to the attack that Nazis from the Nordic Resistance Movement [Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen] (NMR) performed on an anti-racist demo in Kärrtorp 2013. Then as now it was organized Nazis that chose to go to physical attack against an anti-racist manifestation and then as now the police chose to use the soft gloves instead of the rough gloves against the organized Nazis. The anti-racists present chose to stick together and keep the initiative, which lead to the Nazis not being able to do anything but shove and shout. That nobody was injured during yesterday’s attack is largely due to the group NU consisting of a bunch of thrill-seeking Internet-warriors that mostly perform actions to be able to snap spectacular pictures for their homepage.
This occurred on the same day as it in media emerged information that Falun municipality had chosen to evacuate 50 people from a refugee housing for two days due to the threat model against the housing in connection to NMR marching through the city on May 1. Time after time society’s respresentatives choose to take a clear stance for the Nazis’ right to take room on our streets, even when that means that other people are threatened. In the name of free speech one defends the Nazis’ interests and thereby infringe on large groups of society’s right to move safely within their own city, or as in Falun to remain residing in one’s residence.
Nazi organizations constantly try to get their adherents to take the step away from the keyboard and onto the street. We that for decades have fought the Nazi movement know from experience that it is a fatal mistake to give these groups free access to our cities. The only principle that in practice prevents Nazi groups from recruiting and growing is to never leave them in peace. It must be difficult, scary and associated with great discomfort to claim the street for spreading of Nazi hate and directly or indirectly threatening the life of individuals from large groups of society.
That is why we always hit back, that is why we will never let the Nazis gain ground, that is why we claim that anti-fascism is self-defense.
/AFA Stockholm [antifa Stockholm]
Translated by b9AcE ( and to the best of my ability, from the original text in Swedish. Any errors are to be presumed mine, not antifa’s.
AFA (antifa) Scandinavia – Shut down capitalism – everyone to Hamburg
Posted by b9AcE in antifa, G20, Hamburg, Translations on 2017-04-30
July 7-8 2017 there is a G20-meeting in Hamburg. The leaders of the 19 richest and most powerful States in the world as well as the EU will meet together with 6000 delegation members. Previous similar top summits have been met by massive protests and this meeting will therefore be protected by an army of 10000 police and security service agents.
At the G20 meeting among others Erdoğan from Turkey, Putin from Russia and Donald Trump from USA will converge.
The main agenda for the G20 summit is to create an illusion that the political elite in the global capitalism has everything under control. That they and their political system in some way can provide security, peace and sustentation for the people of the world.
They will also talk of nations in crisis and say that it is because the working class is living beyond its means and that the West must be protected from refugees with walls and strengthened border controls.
But we know that the crisis they talk about is neo-liberalism and capital’s crisis. Capital’s crisis is caused by the banks and the rich, those living off our labor. It is not bus drivers in Greece, the undocumented immigrants in USA, industrial workers in Germany, nurses in Sweden or warehouse workers in Spain that is to blame for the crisis.
The culpable are instead financial speculators, labor buyers that push for our wages to be lower and those rulers that constructed and maintains the global capitalism. The government debt in many countries is a result of the crisis, rather than a cause of it. The crisis-politics pushed by G20, the International Monetary Fund and the world’s most powerful will not solve the crisis. It is a continuation of a neo-liberal project that has as a goal to weaken the working class’s position and strengthen that of capital.
The capitalist world order is a brutal class society built from inequality, structural sexism, homo/bi/transphobia and racism. A society where what we own together own as commons becomes privatized and where we see how a small global upper class becomes richer at our cost. Millions worldwide are forced to flee while whilst the richest countries close their borders to protect their privileges. The States of Europe would rather have people suffer drowning deaths in the Mediterranean than to open the borders.
However, there is resistance worldwide. People take power over their own lives. Hospitals are squatted, asylum activists tear down fences and hide refugees, racists and sexists get confronted and we take control of the areas where we live.
The world’s most powerful gather to set the agenda for capitalism and secure the propertied class’ interests. We will go to Hamburg to throw a spanner in the works of capitalism and send a clear signal to the world’s leaders.
Capitalism is stumbling – let’s make sure it falls. Shut down capitalism!
Everybody to Hamburg July 7-8
Antifascistisk aktion Sverige
Antifascistisk aktion Danmark
Antifascistisk aksjon Norge
Translated by @b9AcE, from the texts in both Swedish and Danish (sent to me by someone that doesn’t boycott Facebook), to the best of my ability.
Any errors are to be presumed mine, not antifa’s.
Why you should demand microblogs, like Twitter, have open federation as standard
Being on GNU Social is like having e-mail:
You can send an e-mail from any provider to any address on any other provider or on the same provider.
If you have an account on e.g., you expect to be able to e-mail to and get e-mail from anyone on GMail, ProtonMail,, Inventati, etc, etc.
We take that for granted. Imagine you sign up for AOL Mail, to then get told that they don’t accept e-mail from outside AOL, nor can you send e-mail to anyone outside AOL.
You couldn’t e-mail from AOL to GMail or get an e-mail from anyone on to your AOL account.
You would not accept that.
Yet, that is exactly what over 300 million users on Twitter accept without question, probably without even considering that things could be different.
Things could be different. They could use GNU Social.
There, you can send your @-messages to and follow accounts that signed up to any provider, not just limited to the one you chose.
If you signed up to, you can still send @-messages to, follow or be followed by people on,,, etc, etc.
Twitter, however, refuses to open up for this.
On twitter, you can only talk to people also on twitter and you can only follow accounts on twitter, even though it is entirely possible for them to do better.
They choose not to.
By thus making their service less good, they presumably hope to keep people from noticing the outside world, as one might put a blanket over a caged bird, to keep it from desiring freedom.
Just as with e-mail, the different providers have different features for different users, so someone that cares about privacy would sign up to Riseup while someone that would rather have flashy things to click would choose GMail.
Most people consider the options compared to their requirements before choosing an e-mail provider.
You should do the same when choosing a microblog provider.
Don’t choose a provider that intentionally blinds you to maximize their own profit, choose any provider within GNU Social instead.
Join GNU Social today!
List of fake antifa accounts
Recently a bunch of very obvious fake antifa-accounts have been created on Twitter.
Below I list those I’ve found that in some way currently claim to be antifa and I consider 100% certain to be both fake and with malicious intent.
Block and/or report them.
Also, please make sure to tell others, so they don’t think the accounts are genuine… as that could cause real problems.
[Revision 2, 2017-04-02, 13:18 UTC]
Update(s), at the bottom of this post.
Revision 2, adds notification:
After those and other fake antifa-accounts were made well known, they and other newly created ones now use extremely obvious sarcasm, whereas many previously even copied the entire content of genuine antifa-accounts to seem legitimate.
In the cases of accounts that clearly to pretended to be legitimate, they seem to now in many cases have deleted the content that was obviously meant to mislead.
Considering this change, the purpose of the original post has been fulfilled… by them.
On those grounds, it does not seem beneficial to post further updates to the previous list here.
If the behavior changes again, that stance might change and this revision’s notification be replaced by other content.
May all your anti-fascist endeavors meet as unexpected success as this did!
Solidarity with the riots in Rinkeby, Stockholm
Today media reports on how several riots occurred in Rinkeby yesterday night. According to media claims several shops have been looted, cars set on fire, a journalist and a shop owner battered and cops attacked with stones. The cops are claimed to have felt so threatened, that they shot live ammo to hit. What really happened, only those that were there know.
What’s clear is that several individuals chose to attack several of the institutions that control and rule our lives. The looting attacked the capitalist property rights and the conditions that drive us to slave to be able to afford survival, instead of taking what we need. The journalist that was battered, was an attack on the ideological cornerstone that the media constitutes, in the maintaining of the existing conditions; against the fact that the journalist wasn’t there to listen to and pass on the revolters’ stories, but to sell its own spectacular story expensively – a story that in no way relates to the reality that life in Rinkeby means. The rock throwing against the police, whose task it is, to using violence maintain the state’s rule over every individual. To ensure that poor remain poor, that those that try anything else are thrown in the slammer, that undocumented live under constant threat against their lives, that subversives remain passive. They protect not only the state’s laws but the morality that holds us back from revolting against society. The morality that gets the neighbor to call the cops, when it hears crushed windows in the street or says shady people “loitering”. Regardless the intentions that existed behind every individual’s acts, those institutions were attacked and the cops tried to protect them (and themselves).
When the cops say that it felt so threatened, that it fires live ammunition, it is often just a half truth. The other half of the truth is that they usually have been in an area or a context, where they more easily can get away with it. Thanks to media’s work over many years to establish a narrative for the rest of Sweden of the suburbs and a deeply rooted racism (and classism) in society, they can more easily talk themselves out of the situation. The trust for the police, as a neutral state body, of course plays a role for a large part of the population but if the cops would fire live ammunition on youth in Danderyd or a middle class area in Karlskoga, they would not as easily get away with it. As long as a white cop, or a PoC-cop with white ambitions, shoot a person of color, poor, subversive or lifestyle criminal, everything is as it should be, according to society’s unspoken norms.
If they indeed felt threatened, and didn’t just see an opportunity to extinguish an, in their eyes undesired, life, it is also a sign that the insurrectionists really challenged the existing conditions.
When the cops choose to use firearms to intervene in the social warfare in general (which they do constantly) but against insurrectional acts in particular, then it is important to see what it means for us, that are in solidarity with insurrectional acts and revolt. Two things it should not lead to, but usually does, is to either ramp up the violence and answer with the same, that is, with firearms or more severe violence, or to let oneself be frightened and pacified, when facing the risk of being shot. When cops shoot, we should instead look at the acts that “provoked” the shots, and be in solidarity with the acts. Distribute and develop them, make them uncontrollable and unpredictable. Without either walking into the trap of armed struggle against the state, which is doomed from the start considering the distribution of resources, or to let the cops get a stronger grip around our will to revolt, so we can use the exposed weakness of the monster that we are constantly guarded by.
Looting, car fires, attacks against journalists and cops/the state; attacks against the democracy that is “the best of ways to be oppressed”.
In deep solidarity with all insurrectionary acts in Rinkeby,
there are no better circumstances to wait for, there never was.
Translated from Gatorna by @b9AcE.
All translation errors are to be blamed on me.
As always, tried to keep as close to the original in phrasing, punctuation, etc.
Now the real coup in Turkey is under way (Common statement: Bakur Committees, Swedish Committee for Rojava and NCDK Sweden)
Yesterday night the party leaders of HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) were arrested in Turkey together with at least ten parliamentarians. At the same time AKP-led police forces attacked the party headquarters in Ankara. We do not accept these arrests as a legal process but as a fascist coup against democracy and human rights.
HDP is with its 6 million votes in the previous election the third largest party in Turkey. Those jailed tonight are elected politicians that represent hundreds of thousands of people around Turkey. To attack HDP is the equivalent of attacking the last living piece of the Turkish democracy. In his pursuit of authoritarianism Erdoğan is now closing the door on a peace process in Turkey.
At the same time as the nights raids against HDP they have also attacked the free canton Afrin in Northern Syria. These attacks do not occur in a vacuum. The Afrin canton is a part of the new Rojava federation that has developed into a real alternative for stability and peace in a country that has suffered from civil war for over five years!
Rojava today is a project initiated by the Kurdish peace movement and extends across the borders of several countries. The same movement that in Syria has distinguished itself in its resistance to Daesh and in West is called freedom fighters, the same movement is in Turkey called terrorists. HDP are the only ones in Turkey that have pointed out this absurdity and is the only party in the Turkish parliament that really worked for the resumption of the peace process aborted by Erdoğan. To jail the party’s elected leaders is also a strong signal that Erdoğan does not want to see a resumed peace process. Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström at taking office launched a feminist foreign policy. Words that are hollow today when Turkey’s only feminist and democratic party is under attack!
If one is serious about being for a democratic development in Turkey one must today also condemn the attacks during the night upon the democratic forces that still exist in Turkey.
It is time for all democratic forces to act against Turkey’s attacks on the Kurdish movement in Syria, Turkey and Iraq!
We demand that Sweden clearly distances itself and condemns the arrest of HDP’s parliamentarians!
We also demand that Sweden clearly distances itself and strongly condemns Turkey’s attacks on the Rojava federation in Northern Syria!
NCDK Sweden
Swedish Committee for Rojava
Bakur Committees
This was translated by me from the Swedish language original.
Any errors should be presumed to have been introduced by me.
Turkish fascism in Sweden – Grey Wolves
The Grey Wolves is the youth wing to the nationalist party MHP in Turkey that in the election 2015 passed the 10% electoral threshold with 11.90%. The Grey Wolves employ violent methods and aim especially at Kurds, Armenians and various leftist activists.
According to the Turkish State Security the Grey Wolves have murdered 694 people between 1974 and 1980.
In connection with the Turkish State terminating peace negotiations with PKK’s leader Abdullah Öcalan, MHP made a statement that – if the State and Security Service didn’t solve the “situation” with PKK they would take things into their own hands. This has pushed into existence the siege campaign against the Kurdish cities in Bakur (Northern Kurdistan and South-east Turkey) that is taking place right now.
During the 2015 election 120 HDP-offices were attacked (Kurdish parliamentary party) by Grey Wolves.
Exist also in Europe
This fascist organization is not only organized in Turkey but also in large parts of Europe. In Germany they have up to 10,000 members and also in Sweden they have shown up several times, including 1999 when they attacked the Communist Party of Sweden during a leafleting where they called for boycott of Turkey.
Kurdish activists were threatened several times during the election campaign when they were campaigning for HDP and in September 2015 one of their association’s premises were subject to a bombing attack and yesterday (February 13 2016) a Kurdish activist was seriously wounded during a shooting in Fittja.
This is a translation by @b9AcE of the text originally published by the Swedish Rojava Committees in Swedish here.
As always, the main aim was to remain as close as possible to the original text.
PJAK on the attack in Fittja [Stockholm, Sweden]
PJAK’s statement regarding the attack against one of its party comrades.
To the public,
Saturday February 13 2016 there was a peaceful demo with police permit for peace in Kurdistan and release of the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. One of the escort cars of the demo that was held on Saturday was subjected to an armed attack in Fittja, upon which our comrade Ghafor Mohammadi got gunshot wounds and had to be taken to hospital urgently with life threatening injuries.
We consider this terror attack a part of the Erdogan-regime’s violence-promoting politics, and a direct attack on the Kurdish liberation struggle. The Turkish State and Erdogan’s regime have recent months intensified their attacks on the Kurdish people. In northern Kurdistan Turkish military and police have besieged cities, killed and burnt hundreds of civilians as well as apprehended parliamentarians and human rights activists.
From that political background, we interpret this assault as a planned and coordinated attack, specifically targeted at the Kurdish liberation movement lead by the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK). Last week one of our political leaders and two other comrades were killed in a Turkish airstrike in southern Kurdistan, by all accounts coordinated with the Islamic regime in Iran.
Therefore this attack is extremely alarming for Kurdish liberation activists. It is also a mockery against the Swedish civil society, when Turkish terrorists commit heinous attacks on Swedish ground. Therefore we strongly condemn the terrorist activity that is practiced daily by Fascists in Turkey, and that now also have manifested in Sweden.
We call upon the Swedish justice system to speedily investigate the event. As Kurdish peace activists in Sweden our safety and security now to the highest degree depends on the Swedish State’s protection. We continue our struggle and will never let threats or harassment stop our struggle for freedom and democracy.
Swedish Committee of Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK)
[Translated by me from this source]
Fires at Swedish refugee housings (20 December 2015)
Posted by b9AcE in Refugees, Sweden, Translations on 2015-12-20
The entire text that follows is as direct a translation from Swedish as I was capable of from the original two fact-boxes here at Swedish Public Service TV, as last updated by them on 20 December 2015, 12:22.
Nothing except these two lines in italic was intentionally added in any way at all, nothing was removed and even what may be considered as poor writing was preserved through translation as far as possible.
Eight fires in December
Since 1 July the police has 43 preliminary investigations about suspected arsons at refugee housings throughout Sweden. This is their distribution per month:
- July: 2 fires.
- August: 2 fires.
- September: 7 fires.
- October: 15 fires.
- November: 9 fires.
- December: 8 fires.
Source: The operational department of Sweden’s national force (NOA).
Fires at Swedish refugee housings
Notable fires at existing and intended refugee housings, as well as attempted arson and other attacks, during 2015:
16 December: An intended residential care home for unaccompanied children in Scanian Ekeby, outside Helsingborg, is ravaged by fire. Police suspect arson.
14 December: An intended asylum housing for unaccompanied children in Södertälje is completely destroyed. Police suspect the fire is an arson.
9 December: Someone tries to set fire to a future asylum housing in Ängelholm by mashing glass and throwing in newsprint paper, that has been lit. But it never became a fully developed fire.
9 December: A residential care home for unaccompanied refugee minors in Långharpan outside Uppsala is completely destroyed in a fire. A boy under the age of 18 is currently held in custody on remand for aggravated arson.
3 December: Apartments completely destroyed when there is a fire in an intended housing for unaccompanied refugee minors in Götene. Motor gasoline is found and the police believes the fire is arson.
15 November: An hand grenade os thrown at the window of a planned refugee housing in Kalmar. Police believes it is very likely it was intended at the planned housing. The hand grenade explodes down at the street, but nobody is hurt.
10 November: A building where there were thoughts of a migrant housing burns to the ground in Forshaga. Police suspects the fire is arson.
7 November: A intended asylum housing in Floda is ravaged by fire.
7 November: Window panes are smashed at a asylum housing in Tranås municipality. A man in his twenties is suspected of vandalism and for placing a placard with racist overtones outside the housing.
28 October: A residential care home in Tjörnarp in Höör municipality, where a number of unaccompanied refugee minors live, was subject to a fire attack. Someone has poured flammable liquid through a window and lit it.
27 October: There is a fire by the door to a housing for unaccompanied refugee minors in Lund and the police label it attempted arson. The same day several small fires start by a planned refugee housing at the Kikebo school in Oskarshamn, which is labeled a vandalism by the police.
27 October: A school in Färingtofta in Scania that is being prepared for unaccompanied refugee minors is ravaged by fire. When the fire department arrives to the building someone had thrown in a large rock and something burnable.
24 October: A building in Eskilstuna municipality, intended to become refugee housing, ravaged by fire. A report of arson is made.
22 October: An intended hosing in Oderljunga in Perstorp municipality burns and the police suspect aggravated arson.
21 October: An intended refugee housing in Upplands Väsby north of Stockholm is subjected to vandalism and attempted arson.
20 October: An asylum housing in Munkedal gets extensive fire damage.
18 October: An old school building in Onsala in Kungsbacka, that was intended to be asylum housing, burns to the ground.
17 October: A school in Kånna outside Ljungby, prepared as refugee housing, burns to the ground.
13 October: Fire starts in a barrack in Arlöv in Scania. The premises were going to begin use as housing for unaccompanied refugee minors the next day.
15 September: Fire at an asylum housing for unaccompanied youth in Boden.
16 August: All living at a refugee center in Arboga, where the so called IKEA-murderer lived, are moved to other housings after two trash bag similar objects with flammable liquid is found near the housing.
16 August: Someone places a burning cross outside an asylum housing in Malung. The event is labeled harassment by the police.
14 August: Fire starts at a housing for unaccompanied refugee minors in Värnamo. The event is labeled arson.
17 July: A fire starts in an asylum housing in Bengtsfors.
19 June: Two fire bombs are thrown into a future asylum housing in Filipstad. A smaller fire starts.
17 June: A balcony at an asylum housing in Vilhelmina is ravaged by fire and the housing’s bus gets its tires cut. Forensic examination has been performed and investigation is ongoing. The event is labeled arson and vandalism.
1 May: 130 people are evacuated from an asylum housing in Filipstad after a fire started in one of the housing’s premises.