Posts Tagged Hamburg

AFA (antifa) Scandinavia – Shut down capitalism – everyone to Hamburg

July 7-8 2017 there is a G20-meeting in Hamburg. The leaders of the 19 richest and most powerful States in the world as well as the EU will meet together with 6000 delegation members. Previous similar top summits have been met by massive protests and this meeting will therefore be protected by an army of 10000 police and security service agents.

At the G20 meeting among others Erdoğan from Turkey, Putin from Russia and Donald Trump from USA will converge.

The main agenda for the G20 summit is to create an illusion that the political elite in the global capitalism has everything under control. That they and their political system in some way can provide security, peace and sustentation for the people of the world.

They will also talk of nations in crisis and say that it is because the working class is living beyond its means and that the West must be protected from refugees with walls and strengthened border controls.

But we know that the crisis they talk about is neo-liberalism and capital’s crisis. Capital’s crisis is caused by the banks and the rich, those living off our labor. It is not bus drivers in Greece, the undocumented immigrants in USA, industrial workers in Germany, nurses in Sweden or warehouse workers in Spain that is to blame for the crisis.

The culpable are instead financial speculators, labor buyers that push for our wages to be lower and those rulers that constructed and maintains the global capitalism. The government debt in many countries is a result of the crisis, rather than a cause of it. The crisis-politics pushed by G20, the International Monetary Fund and the world’s most powerful will not solve the crisis. It is a continuation of a neo-liberal project that has as a goal to weaken the working class’s position and strengthen that of capital.

The capitalist world order is a brutal class society built from inequality, structural sexism, homo/bi/transphobia and racism. A society where what we own together own as commons becomes privatized and where we see how a small global upper class becomes richer at our cost. Millions worldwide are forced to flee while whilst the richest countries close their borders to protect their privileges. The States of Europe would rather have people suffer drowning deaths in the Mediterranean than to open the borders.

However, there is resistance worldwide. People take power over their own lives. Hospitals are squatted, asylum activists tear down fences and hide refugees, racists and sexists get confronted and we take control of the areas where we live.

The world’s most powerful gather to set the agenda for capitalism and secure the propertied class’ interests. We will go to Hamburg to throw a spanner in the works of capitalism and send a clear signal to the world’s leaders.

Capitalism is stumbling – let’s make sure it falls. Shut down capitalism!

Everybody to Hamburg July 7-8

Antifascistisk aktion Sverige
Antifascistisk aktion Danmark
Antifascistisk aksjon Norge


Translated by @b9AcE, from the texts in both Swedish and Danish (sent to me by someone that doesn’t boycott Facebook), to the best of my ability.
Any errors are to be presumed mine, not antifa’s.

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